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March 23, 2024

How Do You Brainstorm With Yourself?

How Do You Brainstorm With Yourself?

Today, someone asked, How do you brainstorm with yourself? Jim and Dave provide a few options and strategies that you can use so you don't have to be by yourself.  We also talk about what to do if the name of your show is being used by a dead...

Today, someone asked, How do you brainstorm with yourself? Jim and Dave provide a few options and strategies that you can use so you don't have to be by yourself. 

We also talk about what to do if the name of your show is being used by a dead show.

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If you need podcast artwork, lead agents or a full website, has you covered. Mark is a podcaster and an award-winning artist. He designed the cover art for the School of Podcasting, Podcast Rodeo Show, and Ask the Podcast Coach. Find Mark at


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Time Stamps
00:00:00 - Opening 
00:01:07 - Sponsor: ( )
00:02:40 - Mugshot: ( )
00:03:27 - How Do You Brainstorm By Yourself? 
00:15:21 - Chat GPT For Brainstorming ( )
00:21:24 - What is NoteJoy? ( )
00:25:03 - Hooking Your Audience 
00:28:59 - Movement vs Evolutions 
00:32:17 - Using a Dead Podcast Name 
00:41:06 - Rebranding is Expensive 
00:43:32 - Believable Reviews 
00:52:31 - Jiffy Pop? 
00:54:35 - Pricing Trademarks 
01:00:05 - Featured Supporter: Keep the Flame Alive ( )
01:01:19 - Mouseflow Visitor Analyzer ( )
01:06:16 - Dave's Website Horror Story 
01:11:41 - Newsletter Vs Blog ( )
01:15:59 - Google Going Away April 2 
01:17:29 - Bloggers Should Be Podcasting ( )
01:20:21 - Dave's Affiliate Links ( )
01:25:27 - Using Ecamm For Sound Buttons ( )

Mentioned In This Episode


Home Gadget Geeks 

The School of Podcasting 

Become an Awesome Supporter 


Dave's List of Affiliate Link

Note Joy (evernote replacement) 

Aqua Teen Hunger Force 

Chat GPT 

Eleven Labs AI Voices 

Article on Trademarks and Using Someone's Name 

Gordon Firemark 

Your Podcast Website 

All in One Seo Plugin 


Ken Blanchard 

Dave's Podcasting Observations Newsletter 


Convertkit Email List 


Buy Profit From Your Podcast as an Audio Book 

Book Launch Secrets 



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00:00 - Opening

01:07 - Sponsor:

02:40 - Mugshot:

03:27 - How Do You Brainstorm By Yourself?

15:21 - Chat GPT For Brainstorming

21:24 - What is NoteJoy?

25:03 - Hooking Your Audience

28:59 - Movement vs Evolutions

32:17 - Using a Dead Podcast Name

41:06 - Rebranding is Expensive

43:32 - Believable Reviews

52:31 - Jiffy Pop?

54:35 - Pricing Trademarks


01:00:05 - Featured Supporter: Keep the Flame Alive

01:01:19 - Mouseflow Visitor Analyzer

01:06:16 - Dave's Website Horror Story

01:11:41 - Newsletter Vs Blog

01:15:59 - Google Going Away April 2

01:17:29 - Bloggers Should Be Podcasting

01:20:21 - Dave's Affiliate Links

01:25:27 - Using Ecam For Sound Buttons


Dave Jackson [00:00:00]:
Ask the podcast coach for March 23, 2024. Let's get ready to podcast. There there it is. It's that music. Mhmm. Yeah. That's right. It means it's Saturday morning.

Dave Jackson [00:00:14]:
It's time for ask the podcast coach where you get your podcast questions answered live. I'm Dave Jackson from the school of, and joining me right over there is hold on. We're gonna fix that. It's the one and only keep keep waving, Jim. There we go. The one and only Jim Collison from the average guy dot tv. And if you're new to the show, what you do here is we're live, so you can go to ask the podcast slash live. But you can also go according to this thing right there, ask the podcast, and you can, jump into the video.

Dave Jackson [00:00:54]:
And but it is Saturday morning, which means, you know, sometimes we're we're dragging it a little bit. And the best way to get a pickup, and Jim's got it handled there, is that's right. A little coffee. And that coffee pour is brought to you by our good friend, Mark, over at And if you're watching the video, you can see he's done the Ask the Podcast Coach logo. He's done the School of Podcasting. He's done the podcast rodeo show. He's currently working on your podcast website's logo.

Dave Jackson [00:01:27]:
So I when I talk about how great he is, I'm doing that from firsthand experience. He's may he just everything looks really pretty and just professional. And I had somebody yesterday that it it really looked like they did their artwork in Cran. And I'm like, that's just not a good first impression. And one of the things you gotta think about, especially if you're trying to be a guest on other shows, they're gonna come over and look at your website. And, you know, if the first thing they see is a logo, that's like, yeah, that's not good. And speaking of websites, if you need a website, you can have Mark do your whole website. Anything that you want to look good, go contact Mark over at

Dave Jackson [00:02:05]:
The beautiful thing about it is he is a podcaster and an award winning graphic. I've already cut myself off. I'm not done. No. Sorry. No take me home. No cappuccino. I'm not done talking about Mark.

Dave Jackson [00:02:18]:
You know, he's he's gonna do that extra time with you. He did with me, and, we're now working on, version 2 of the your podcast website logo. So if you need somebody, then go over and talk to market podcast branding dotco, which then leads us to cappuccino on a phone. Take me home. Okay. Then then that leads to Jim talking about our good friend, Dan. Yeah.

Jim Collison [00:02:42]:
Yeah. Big things. I'm not sure what I'm done doing here. It's all you got it all discombobulated this morning. I do. Big thanks to our good friend Dan over there. You're all all all wind up over there at based on a true story This week, Waterloo, the Blue Max, and Hitler, The Rise of Evil are the movies that he is covering.

Jim Collison [00:03:02]:
If you're interested, need need something else to listen to it, we got a long Easter weekend coming up here next week. Maybe you're on the road traveling. Good time to download a new podcast and have a listen. Check it out today based on a true story podcast dot com. Beautiful.

Dave Jackson [00:03:20]:
And I have to run over because I've had I went over, you know, the typical Reddit stuff, and I thought this was a good question to to start off because some people are are in this boat. And that is well, Jim, you like, you kinda have cohosts. But when it comes up to ideas and stuff, somebody said, who do you brainstorm with if you don't have a cohost or a team? And they say if you're making a podcast now and don't have a team or a cohost or a partner a partner of some sort, who do you brainstorm with when you have a format or creative question? And I was like, that's an interesting question. And, also, for me, it's ugly right now. But if you go to your, you will see where one of the biggest things over there is sign up for the email list, and that's why. That's that's the group that is going to basically help me shape the show. And I've told them, like, you are my focus group, and, you know, this is so start an email list. Start a Facebook group.

Dave Jackson [00:04:30]:
I don't know. Any other ideas, Jim?

Jim Collison [00:04:32]:
Well, chat gpt will actually help you do that. Yeah. It's it's pretty good at that. It you know, once you've gotten a couple ideas from it, they're going to start sound pretty, pretty repetitive. But yeah. You know, Dave, I wanted to ask you a question back on that. You've got say, you know, you come, say you come a board of directors or you call them whatever, this group that you've gathered to help you with ideas. Sometimes you don't want to listen to their ideas, you know, like not every idea is a good idea.

Jim Collison [00:04:57]:
And I know everybody thinks their ideas are the best ideas, but sometimes you don't want to do it. How do you, how do you handle that when you get that idea from somebody? Or like, you should what you should really do is just and leave that little mustache in between. You know, you're like, we're not gonna do that kind of thing. I know. Any thoughts on that?

Dave Jackson [00:05:17]:
Yeah. A lot of people are saying this. Brainstorm with bots. Yeah. That is the fun part. What happens when you get feedback that steers your show in the wrong direction. That would be

Jim Collison [00:05:31]:
perceived the wrong direction. It may not be you don't know yet. You know? You're kinda like

Dave Jackson [00:05:36]:
Well, that's that's the tricky part. Like, for the record, like, last week, we were talking about the different artwork options. We had a op option 1 that had this cool microphone, but instead of the microphone, it was a mouse because it's your podcast website. And then there was this other one with the hand clicking on stuff. I like the mic I like the mic one. That was the one that jumped out at me. And everybody else was like, oh, dude. Option number 2.

Dave Jackson [00:05:59]:
I get in, and I was like, does this group speak? And then I looked at my I had a Google form, and the Google form was like number 2. And I'm like, alright. Well, the audience has spoken. And I could've said, well, I'm using number 1 because I think the mouse is cool. But I was like, no. If everybody else is saying 2, even without group think, then, you know, let's, let's go that route. And so sometimes you you know, like, I could have gone my way again, made it all about me. But if you have a bunch of people here's a great example.

Dave Jackson [00:06:30]:
Have you ever heard of this thing called YouTube? It's a it's a website, I guess. Yeah. YouTube little website.

Jim Collison [00:06:35]:
Yeah. You They're trying some things out.

Dave Jackson [00:06:38]:
Yeah. YouTube started as a dating site, and it was a place where you could upload videos to kinda say, hi. I'm Dave. I'm, you know, £40 overweight. I like to podcast, you know, and, you know, I like hard rock, whatever. And then people started putting up videos that weren't about dating and then more videos not about dating, and they went, We put this out to do this. Like, do we just put in some controls to make sure it's about dating, or should we just let people upload videos about anything? This seems to be what the audience wants, and they went with option number 2. Let's make it a video hosting thing.

Dave Jackson [00:07:18]:
So there does come a time if you're getting a bunch of feedback that says we want to go this way and you wanted to go that way, well, you can either go, you know, you say, nope. Sorry. I'm attracting the wrong audience. I just need to tweak this. Or, b, go to where the audience wanna go. So that's,

Jim Collison [00:07:37]:
I Speaking of feedback, we're getting some that I'm a little louder than you.

Dave Jackson [00:07:41]:
Yeah. I I am adjusting as we speak. And I see where I turned

Jim Collison [00:07:45]:
down a little bit too.

Dave Jackson [00:07:46]:
We have

Jim Collison [00:07:46]:
a super chat out there as well. We got a super chat.

Dave Jackson [00:07:49]:
We did have a super chat. A t h f. All the no. After the been. Dancing is forbidden. What does ATHF mean? But, thank you very much for the super chat. A t h f. I understand dancing is forbidden.

Dave Jackson [00:08:08]:
That's a dirty dancing thing. How? I'm not sure. A t all the hot yeah. So

Jim Collison [00:08:19]:
Should we have the guest room the the chat room guests?

Dave Jackson [00:08:21]:
What Let's all guess what a t h f means. Because I'm trying to think with Dirty Dancing, like, what was the name? I'm sure ATHF will will put it in that. Steve Stewart is in the chat room. Holy cow. The king of audio editors. Beautiful. Dancing yeah. But thank you for the super chat.

Jim Collison [00:08:40]:
Dan says Dan LeFebvre says, I like to use terms that make it obvious they're not making the final decisions. You know, thanks for the input or recommendation or suggestions. And I and I get that. It's just even if you I think even if you're clear about that, when people give you feedback, they really think it's right. And sometimes it is.

Dave Jackson [00:09:02]:

Jim Collison [00:09:03]:
And they really think you're gonna act on it tomorrow. And you're

Dave Jackson [00:09:07]:
not always.

Jim Collison [00:09:08]:
What do you mean? I

Dave Jackson [00:09:10]:
sent this out on Friday. It's Monday. What's going on?

Jim Collison [00:09:13]:
I got some feedback this week on the Gallup side of things from a friend in Europe. And, he was like, you know, if you would do your live shows in a more European friendly time zone, you'd get more from Europe. And I'm like, yes, that's true, but the overall gains I would get from Europe would not be anywhere close to the numbers that I get from the United States. So if I did it at 5 am, so to speak here, US time, I get nobody from the US and I get, I'm going to get a handful from Europe. If I do it at 9 am. Nah, it's probably not a good example. If I do it like 3 pm here in the United States, Europe's offline at that point. They're not they're not going to tune in, But I'm gonna get 35 as opposed to 5.

Jim Collison [00:09:58]:
Now, listen, the podcasts do weigh more numbers than the live stuff that I do anyway. So I don't worry about that too much from a timing perspective, but that it was tough. He was, it was a listener who wanted to listen to it live, happened to live in a time zone that makes it difficult to do that. Also, there was some expectation of like, why can't you just do it at 11 o'clock my time for me? Right. You're like, well, there's other factors that go into this. Right? So, you know, I had to kind of gently say, well, I take multiple factors into account, including the guest and the time zone availability, some of those kinds of things. And again, the live audience, we only get 2% of our listens from live. So I'm not prioritizing it that that much.

Jim Collison [00:10:48]:
That didn't go over well. Like, he was not that was not a, oh, thanks, Jim. I appreciate, you know, the transparency and being honest with me. It was like, well, I don't care. I want it in my time. You know? So that's the hard part of feedback. I think it's sometimes or gathering a group of people around you and asking that question. They really do think like, well, I said it.

Jim Collison [00:11:09]:
Why haven't you done it? Mhmm. Like, yeah. You know, it's that's not what I'm looking for here. I'm just

Dave Jackson [00:11:15]:
and, you know, Dan

Jim Collison [00:11:16]:
Been the same yeah. Go ahead.

Dave Jackson [00:11:17]:
Dan hit the nail on the head. Sometimes you can't help that some people think the world revolves around them. I mean, how many times I don't wanna get into this discussion, but, I mean, there are times when it's like, I feel this. That means you must change. Mhmm. Then it's like, well, no. Not really. I mean, I'm sorry if I made you feel bad, but, no.

Dave Jackson [00:11:38]:
You know? And, the

Jim Collison [00:11:39]:
I'm not let's see. I'm not sure that's a current thing. I I think that's been going on for a long time.

Dave Jackson [00:11:44]:
Well, that's true.

Jim Collison [00:11:44]:
I think it's human nature. You know, it's human. Listen, we you and I both did work before the Internet. And listen, I did a lot of, you know, I would do a lot of church stuff, music, church music stuff when I was younger. And the audience, this is all before the Internet. The audience had no problem telling me what they liked and what they didn't like. So I don't I don't know if it's an Internet or it's a current thing. I think it's just a human thing.

Jim Collison [00:12:10]:
It's the I think it's a hard part of leadership, by the way, is is being able to take and sometimes with the suggestions they make, you need to follow them. You need to go, you know what? I do need to fix this. And sometimes you need to say, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna do it. The the hard part of the genius of leadership is knowing which is which and when to do it. And it's sometimes, it's not always clear, and so you just have to make a decision. And that's part of being an adult, I think, is making that decision, living with too. I mean, that's the thing.

Jim Collison [00:12:49]:
And sometimes you make bad decisions, and you've gotta own up to it and kinda go, yeah, more and more. I pivoted, and I thought this was gonna be great. I listen. I added a show segment at one point. Forget which show it was, but I added the show segment, and it was terrible. It was just and I thought it was gonna be the cat's meow. You know, I was like, oh, this thing is good. This is gonna revolutionize podcasting.

Jim Collison [00:13:11]:
You know, I thought I was the next Joe Rogan. And then it just fell flat and a few people were like, you know, that's not the that's not the smartest thing you've ever done. And you you go, yeah. You're right. So sometimes we make you got you got to know too when, like, when you've made a bad decision and you're like, Yeah. I shouldn't deflect this anymore. I shouldn't defend myself anymore. Just say it was a bad decision to move on.

Jim Collison [00:13:35]:
You know?

Dave Jackson [00:13:36]:
Yeah. The chat room is saying there are quite a few people who make suggestions that don't understand the logistics behind it. I do this all the time at Libsyn. I'm like, can't we just make the system do such and such? And then I'll go, says the guy that's never done programming. I'm like, I understand you're probably going, oh, that guy's such an idiot. I'm like, but I'm just saying, this is what people want. Can't and then again, like, why can't we have this by, like, next Wednesday? Like, what's the deal? Creating great grooming dogs. You'll find that you have a strong opinion once you ask others.

Dave Jackson [00:14:06]:
Yeah. That's how you'll find out. It's a great point. And then Chris from There's human nature, and then there's bad human nature. And that is true. And then also, the mystery has been solved. And as soon as somebody said this, I'm like, of course, it is.

Dave Jackson [00:14:20]:
It's the cartoon. It's the Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Jim Collison [00:14:24]:
Oh, yeah.

Dave Jackson [00:14:25]:
And as soon as he said that, I'm like, oh, yeah. Of course. It's like,

Jim Collison [00:14:28]:
we all know that. I think we know that. We've even said that before.

Dave Jackson [00:14:31]:
Yeah. I know. As soon as he said, I'm like, oh, yeah. Well, how did I not know that? So and then Gary Stockton, who I now hear in a British accent when I read these, now that I know these, you know, James Bond, keep an open mind and being open to other perspectives is a it is a soft skill. And not that not something that everybody has, unfortunately. So it is what it is. But I'm with you, though. I I brainstorm because a lot of times, it's just me.

Dave Jackson [00:14:58]:
It's chat g p t, where I'll be like, I think I'm doing a show on this, and I've got my my list of 6 things that my brain has put out. And I'll be like, what are the steps to doing whatever the heck I'm going to talk about? And it'll give me quite a few. I did a thing where hold on. We'll share my website here because I had ideas for the new show. Like, hey. Here's here's some things I'm gonna talk about in the your podcast website. And if we go to this so here you can see miner at the top. And then I said, hey, you know, mister GPT.

Dave Jackson [00:15:36]:
And then I said, hey. And it gave me 20. Now not all these are great, but it was 20. And I was like, okay. Give me another 20. And it did. So out of these, there's some ideas that I was like, oh, you know what? That's not a bad idea because I forgot about you know, you have to, again, figure out who is my audience. And is this seasoned, you know, podcast people or website people? Or are we gonna talk about what's the difference between a WordPress page and a WordPress post? And in I'm basing this on a webinar I went to.

Dave Jackson [00:16:12]:
And I'm like, yeah. We're gonna start it down there. This is not for the season. Because if you're if you're Mark from Podcast Branding, you don't need this show because you've been doing this forever, and you know what a website it's for the person that is trying to do their own website, and they're not a web guy. And they don't have the budget to be to have a web guy and that whole 9 yards. I'm like, okay. Let's you know? Like, I I know somewhere in the first five shows is gonna be because I see this all the time. They might I'll ask somebody.

Dave Jackson [00:16:43]:
You know, they've been podcasting. They've got, you know, 12 episodes out. I'm like, what's the goal of the podcast? Why are you doing it? Well, I wanna be seen as an expert. I wanna drive traffic to my website. I want people to hire me. I'm like, great. And then I go in, and in their feed, they're pointing at their Libsyn site or their Captivate site or whoever. And then every episode is pointing to their media host.

Dave Jackson [00:17:05]:
I'm like, yeah. You should be putting just treat every episode like a blog post, and then throw a player in there, and voila. And then Google finds the description your time on-site go up that boosts your SEO. It's super simple, but I just see that's like that's almost the situation that I was like, I have to do a vodka. If nothing else, just to do that one episode, that's still I'm gonna do because I just see people do that all the time. So that's, but I'm having fun with this quick, intro for the show. And what was interesting is I went to 11 Labs and typed well, first, I went to chat gpt, and I said, give me a 60 second script for a show. And then I said, it's for podcasters who don't have any website experience, blah blah blah.

Dave Jackson [00:18:05]:
And it spit out that, and I went to 11 Labs and found a a woman. It's weird. This whole show I don't know why, but I'm like, I wanna make this not sound like every other Dave Jackson show. So there's no funky rock music. It's, like, kind of jazz piano. And then instead of having, you know, Wayne Henderson, the deep voice guy, go, what's the your podcast website? No. I found a woman that's not a woman. It's a chat thing.

Dave Jackson [00:18:31]:
And what's so interesting about it is I never expected this is that, she needs a de esser. Like, you would think the robot voice would be pristine audio, and her s's were a little says just just like, e.

Jim Collison [00:18:48]:
Little hot,

Dave Jackson [00:18:49]:
So I I had to kinda d s her. But what was interesting is I had her read it 4 times because she kept saying, learn things like SEO. And I'm like, yeah. That's SEO. So I had to type e s ee0 h. You know? So she would say SEO. Yeah. Now one time, what was weird spaces?

Jim Collison [00:19:10]:
Yeah. If you put spaces between it, it would still say c o?

Dave Jackson [00:19:13]:
No. Because I just the first time I just put SEO.

Jim Collison [00:19:16]:

Dave Jackson [00:19:16]:
And she was like c o. But when I finally spelled it out, she did it. But the one time, what was weird is I I didn't even notice it when I was kinda doing it. And then one time, she actually said SEO before I spelled it out. And I'm like, well, why would it do I'm like, okay, stupid robot. You're fired. But what I did was I took different chunks. Like, sometimes she'd have just the right voice inflection.

Dave Jackson [00:19:40]:
I'm like, okay. That's a good one for the beginning. And then the middle one, she kinda you know, and then I'm adding spaces. You know? But I was surprised that if you take a voice and then put music under it, add a little spacing I was kinda cool that at timesheet, you can actually hear her breathe, which was kinda nice. I was like, that's that's not bad. And, like, that's passable. Because I've I've heard other voices, and and I think the key to this is putting music under it because you will hear where it's kind of a a voice, but not really. And it's usually in the timing where they keep just talking, and they pause in the middle for no apparent reason.

Dave Jackson [00:20:16]:
You're like, it's but this I had total control, but it took me, like, 4 tries. And especially with the I wanted her to go, here's Dave Jackson. And she just kept going, here's Dave Jackson. Here's Dave Jackson. I'm like, no. Like and I'm like, boost the boost of, you know, make her flamboyant or whatever.

Jim Collison [00:20:33]:
Make it sound like, Ed McMahon. He he's Dave.

Dave Jackson [00:20:38]:
Well, here's the cool thing in 11 Labs. If you wanted to, I could have done you know, I might have to play with that now. But I could go, and here's Dave Jackson, and then upload that and say use the robot voice and use that inflection. That's a new thing. And I was like, so I could do the, you know, Ed McMahon. Good old is he dead? He's still dead. Right? I think he's dead. He's

Jim Collison [00:21:01]:
still dead? Did they come back

Dave Jackson [00:21:03]:
these days? But good old, yeah. Woah. We have a question. Rich Graham is saying, hey, Rich Graham, winner of the 30 minute consulting. We had a great time together. We do have if you go to school of giveaway, I am giving away 30 minutes of consulting. And he goes, no joy. Is that a new thing? Yes.

Dave Jackson [00:21:25]:
That is my new Evernote. Evernote said, hey, Dave. We're so happy to have you as a customer that we're gonna double your price. And I'm like, that's funny. And, well, you know what? That's a great segue to kinda what we're talking about If you think about it, I don't know who it is, but I am not Evernote's target person anymore. I'm a guy that just wanted notes. That was it. And I want them and this is kinda weird.

Dave Jackson [00:21:48]:
I want them to be somewhat pretty. Like, notion, I understand, will, you know, make my bed and do the laundry and cook breakfast. It's just boring to look at. It is gray and gray. And I understand somebody said, well, you could've color coded your notes. I'm like, okay. But I found Evernote. The other thing was I found, notejoy.

Dave Jackson [00:22:07]:
Support this to use my affiliate link. Links in the show notes. And the other thing was Evernote was kind of being like the jilted lover. Like, fine. If you wanna leave, you could only take 10 notes at a time, and I want my black t shirt back. Right? They were just being really crappy about it. And I started there was a couple open source things I was doing, And then I found Notejoy, and they're like, oh, wait. And the other thing I wanted was the ability to email Notejoy and have them put that email as a note in that.

Dave Jackson [00:22:40]:
That was another cool thing of Evernote. And they had a web clipper, which is cool. So and it was, like, you know, it was more than what Evernote was charging me, but less than what Evernote was going to charge me. So it's kind of in the middle. And the thing I loved about it, I log in to Notejoy. I go, here's my Evernote login name and password, and I made a video and send it to them. They do when you do a web clip, it tries to kinda reformat it and make it I forget what the official title is. Let me see if I bring this up.

Dave Jackson [00:23:20]:
It says it is a simplified article. And I just said, hey, I appreciate the simplified article, but I I made this clipping of this one page, and you kinda simplified some stuff right out of it. And I'm like, that's not cool if I have to go back and check every note I clip to make sure you got it all. And I'm like, I had to go back, do a select all copy and paste, and that worked. I'm like, but I'm under, the assumption that if I clip a website, I'm getting it all, and I've not heard back from them. That was the only thing I've heard seen so far. But because I'm just a guy. I could've used Apple Notes.

Dave Jackson [00:23:57]:
Apple Notes is fun, but, you know, I was like, you know. $50 a year

Jim Collison [00:24:02]:
for that? Are you paying any amount?

Dave Jackson [00:24:03]:
Something like that. Yeah. So and the other thing was I think might might be a little more because I had something like 14,000 notes, which is why when they said you have to do it 10 at a time, I'm like, no. We're not doing that. Sorry. But, So

Jim Collison [00:24:16]:
more like a $100 a year or a little less?

Dave Jackson [00:24:18]:
Yeah. I think it's I think it was 90.

Jim Collison [00:24:20]:
They're plus plan, maybe?

Dave Jackson [00:24:22]:
Yeah. They're plus. They're with no joy? Yeah. Yeah. And so I just use it all the time, especially when I'm, like, I'm going to, LA next week. That is next week, by the way. There is no show next week. I thought it was this week.

Dave Jackson [00:24:34]:
It's next week. But I will be taking pictures of all my receipts, which makes it really easy then. Because it's on my computer. It's on my phone. It's on my tablet. It's everywhere. It's like Santa Claus. And you, basically, when I get home then, I just right click on the picture, save it into my expenses folder, and, you know, do the whole expense sheet, which is always so much fun.

Dave Jackson [00:24:54]:
It's one of the things that's not hard. You just everybody's like, okay. Here's what I had for breakfast. You know, that whole nine yards. So if you're in, LA by any chance next week at, Podcast Movement Evolutions, I'll be at the Libsyn booth, and I'm speaking on Thursday on how to hook your audience, which is really it's kinda weird because, boy, this sounds like a weird humble brag. But when you when you end up talking a lot, it's hard to come up with a presentation where you're not just repeating everything you've already said. Plus, if you're like me and podcasting is a sickness where you're always doing a podcast, like, you've said something at least once before, so it's hard to make something that's not a complete rerun of here's everything. Oh, it's Dave doing Dave's greatest hits again, but I found a couple of things that I haven't talked about before.

Dave Jackson [00:25:40]:
So that'll be fun. What, what hooks you, Jim? Like, is there anything that you can think of that you're like, oh, that got me?

Jim Collison [00:25:48]:
Yeah. I think, excuse me, authentic humor. Like Mhmm. Just there's a couple podcasts that I listen to that are just they don't try to be funny. They're just funny. You know, they're they're in the midst of doing their podcasts. They've got a great relationship with each other. They know what they know how to get each other.

Jim Collison [00:26:08]:
You know, they they're just funny. I, I found myself, I was driving in. It was either Thursday or Friday, and there was a funny moment going on and I'm laughing out loud in the car and I'm realizing the person next to me is staring at me laughing by myself in the car. Right? For me, I like that kind of authentic and maybe even some self deprecating. That's good. It's my favorite kind of humor when it's sorry, self deprecating humor. So it's just a good that's those those are the kind of things that hook me. By the way, my my viewing habits on YouTube are very different.

Jim Collison [00:26:47]:
Mhmm. So I'm more of a on YouTube, I'm more of a DIY guy. I like to see people do things. I like to see them clean up stuff or I like to see them make stuff or tear stuff down or visual. Visual. Yeah. Visual things. And I'm not necessarily looking.

Jim Collison [00:27:03]:
In fact, there's one DIYer that lately made a little bit of a format change, and they're doing these things. But in between, they're doing these kind of silly they're not very funny. They think they're funny. They're actually not very funny.

Dave Jackson [00:27:17]:
All my friends say I'm funny. Yeah. Okay.

Jim Collison [00:27:20]:
Yeah. And it's the little things that the, you know, the kids do with each other to, you know, to, and it's, it's, it's supposed to be sarcastic or it's supposed to be, I don't know what it's supposed to be, but it's not funny to me. And I'm like, guys, I I'm watching you to tear stuff up and put it back together, not rib each other about how dull your tools are or how cheap you are in the in in the kind of things that you buy. And so it yeah. I've noticed that my my YouTube habit is different than my podcast, habit as far as what I'm looking for.

Dave Jackson [00:27:56]:
Interesting. Yeah. I I am watching more and more YouTube on my TV in my living room. That's like my lunch thing. I go to lunch. I ask my Google thing, not the woman in the tube, to open YouTube, and she opens it on my TV, which I still feel like it's magic that you know? And so that and plus Meet

Jim Collison [00:28:17]:
the Jetsons?

Dave Jackson [00:28:18]:
Yeah. Exactly. There you go. Look at this. Who's it? We got Steve Stewart, and we have mister Bitcoin boomer himself, Gary Leland. Nice.

Jim Collison [00:28:30]:
Hey, Gary.

Dave Jackson [00:28:31]:
Or if you're if you're a old timer like me, mister podcast pickle, it's been a while since, Is

Jim Collison [00:28:36]:
it should we cancel our show more often and then come back? Should we say every week? Yeah. We're not gonna be here next week. And then at last minute show up and, and or maybe it's just the week before, Podfest is a no. Podcast Movement. Sorry. The week before podcast movement, everybody's just getting geared up, ready to go.

Dave Jackson [00:28:56]:
That's it.

Jim Collison [00:28:57]:
Gary, are you gonna be Steve, are you guys gonna be at, podcast movement? Am am I saying the right thing?

Dave Jackson [00:29:02]:
Podcast movement. Evolutions. You have to throw in the

Jim Collison [00:29:05]:
evolution. Evolution.

Dave Jackson [00:29:06]:
And what's the difference again between movement and movement evolutions? More old guys in suits at Evolutions. Lot

Jim Collison [00:29:13]:
they way. Right?

Dave Jackson [00:29:14]:
Well, they should do they should just come out and say what it is. Podcast Movement Evolutions is more business to miss because it's more business to business. There's a lot of wondery. Like, we're sending, like, 23 people from Lipson and 4 of them from Lipson, and the rest are from advertise cast. Because those guys are gonna be working it with all the big networks and all that other stuff. So that's gonna be fun. Gordon, I would think Gordon's gonna be at maybe podcast Movement Evolutions. I don't know.

Dave Jackson [00:29:44]:
He might. He's an entertainment lawyer. And he also, I think, lives in LA, if I remember right. I know he's somewhere out there and,

Jim Collison [00:29:49]:
Steve Stewart says he's not going. So

Dave Jackson [00:29:51]:
Oh, no. Steve Stewart. I'm not saying.

Jim Collison [00:29:53]:
Steve, if you're not calling, I'm not going.

Dave Jackson [00:29:55]:
Yeah. It's well, it's very it's I don't think it's for the I see. I get in trouble if I say this. It doesn't appear to be that the indie podcaster is as interested in evolutions as they are in podcast movement, which will be happening later this year in DC. So I just know last year because it's supposed to be evolution. So let's talk about what's happening, the new technology and all that stuff. So I did an episode I did a presentation on podcasting 2.0. And if I remember right, I had 9 people.

Dave Jackson [00:30:27]:
And I was like, well, it's not the quality it's not the quantity. It's the quality of people. And we had lots of time for q and a, which was great. But I it's I it's it seems very business to business. A lot of networks there and a lot that's where you run into people like, so tell me about your show. Oh, I'm I'm just the storyboard guy for Pineapple Express, you know, blah blah blah, some sort of big network, something something something. So, yeah, Tim says, I'll be at Podfest Movement in DC. That makes sense because Tim lives in DC, if I remember right.

Dave Jackson [00:31:00]:
He was always involved with DC Podfest. Yes. Steve says one less old guy in a suit. So yeah.

Jim Collison [00:31:08]:
People still wear suits.

Dave Jackson [00:31:10]:
Really? If you go to if you go to NAB, especially, there are, like, really old guys in suits because they're from radio.

Jim Collison [00:31:18]:
Yeah. Back in the day

Dave Jackson [00:31:19]:
yeah. I'm the manager of Wixey 9 60 AM. You know, you're like, really? Seriously? Like but I haven't been to NAB in a long time either. So that's, that's always a fun one.

Jim Collison [00:31:30]:
I threw away all my dress up close. Well, I fatted out of them to begin with.

Dave Jackson [00:31:33]:
That's it. That's me. None of mine fit. I gotta buy a new shirt. I gotta I'm singing in the choir on Easter, and, apparently, my neck is not 17 anymore. And it's either a, leave the button out and have the tie kinda cover the fact that you're not buttoning that.

Jim Collison [00:31:50]:
But I

Dave Jackson [00:31:51]:
was like

Jim Collison [00:31:51]:
Just get a just get a new shirt. You probably need one anyways.

Dave Jackson [00:31:54]:
Yeah. Well, that but the problem is I'm part orangutan, So I need, like, 36 arm, 18 neck now. But,

Jim Collison [00:32:02]:
they pronounce that orangutan. That's

Dave Jackson [00:32:04]:
Orangutan. Yeah. There you go. Gordon is speaking at Evolutions on Wednesday. Network and acquisition deals mock negotiation. There you go. Well, speaking of, legal stuff, let's let's do this one. Do I have the question as well? Yeah.

Dave Jackson [00:32:19]:
So this was I'll put this link in the the thing about Bob in just a second. Hey. I'm thinking of using a name. It says I I have so many good names and ideas. I find that many of them were used by short running smaller pods. Here we go. I can't do a no pods. It's a show that I've since seemed fizzle out.

Dave Jackson [00:32:40]:
It feels counterintuitive to me. But to y'all, how does it feel morally speaking to title the same name as another show that hasn't published an episode in 1 plus years, especially if the name is more relevant to my show than the older one. Ultimately, how do you niche your names with keeping them eye catching and relevant? Those are called taglines, boys and girls. My newer show is very casual, but themes to an industry. So play on words is preferred over just the the blank podcast with blank. Yeah. I'm a big fan of the blank podcast because that's what peeps are using. But there is an article that I will put in the chat room.

Dave Jackson [00:33:18]:
Yes. I will put in the chat room that's on Podnews where there is a trademark. Now here here's the one that you go, really? Really? It was something about money. I forget the name of the show. But let's say I did a show and I called it Home Gadget Geeks with Jim Collison, and that was the name of my show. It was literally that blatant. And it was like the money pot money something with Laura Smith or something. And this person did a show with that exact name.

Dave Jackson [00:33:48]:
And I was like, yeah. I don't think that's really I don't think a judge is gonna have a hard time going. Let's see. Does this trademark confuse do people get this confused with the other one? I'm like, yes. Yes. They do. And so it's trick. It it's one of those things where it's like, you're kind of on thin, you know, thin ice there because the person could say I used it first, but they did quit.

Dave Jackson [00:34:13]:
So I'm usually like, let's go back to the drawing board and see if you can come up. Like, I spent 2 days looking at your podcast website, and I did not find I found lots of things about websites, and I found a lot of thing about podcast websites. But nobody, at least according to uncle Google, through many different searches with quotation marks and not quotation marks and things like that, nobody's doing a show called your podcast website. So I think I'm okay on that. And if they came to me and said, I've been doing this since, you know, 2019, I would just go, okay. Well, we're gonna do a rebrand and go to town. But Mhmm. What what do you think, Jim? If it's been over, you know, a year, they only did 4 episodes.

Dave Jackson [00:34:52]:
What I would do, I would here's where the you know, hire a nerd, get their old RSS feed, and in theory, unless they use Buzzsprout or Captivate, you should be able to pull their email out of their RSS feed and email them and say, hey. I'm thinking of doing a show that has the same name as your show. Do you know are you completely done with this podcast? I would like to offer you $50 for your name and your RSS feed, and I'm gonna pick the show up. In fact, if you want, we could have actually do an episode where you come on and explain how you're handing the show off to me. I would try that just to see you know, now chances are you're gonna send that to an email that they never check anymore because it was the email they used with that podcast that they haven't done in forever ago. So that might be something I would try because, a, then you're not starting with 0 audience, you know, in theory. Now probably not a big audience because if it was a big audience, they probably wouldn't have quit. But that would be, something you might wanna try.

Jim Collison [00:35:57]:
22 different things happening here. 1 is somebody is trying to ride on your trade trademark. Let's just say I listen, I don't have home gadget geeks trademarked. So we'll use that as an example. So I think, you know, I've been doing home gadget geeks. Well, it's been Home gadget Geeks for maybe 8 years now. It was HomeTech before, and now there's actually a HomeTech podcast. And I have the guests from home or the hosts from home tech on my show from time to time.

Jim Collison [00:36:24]:
And we talk about how, you know, I've I've talked about that was my original name and I dropped it and they took it. But let's just say somebody else came along and and, took all of a sudden the Home Gadget Geeks showed up. I think I may try to figure out some ways to take advantage of that. Like, there's some momentum there. And, yeah, there's causes some confusion. Now I don't do Home Gadget Geeks. It's not my job. I don't do it as if it's not I'm not making money off of it for a little bit.

Jim Collison [00:36:50]:
But so the caveat that caveat, it's not my livelihood. But I might try to figure out some ways to let them do some work for me and see if I can get them to drive traffic back to me. In other words, we always think they're taking our traffic. And I kind of wonder, is it would there be some ways to to reverse that, right, to make it that way? So that's that's item number 1. If somebody steps on you, you stepping on somebody else. Dave, I like your idea of, you know, so say you find it hasn't been done for a while. I like the idea of contacting them. Chances are that you'll probably you'll you'll probably hear crickets.

Jim Collison [00:37:27]:
You can take the risk and try it. If it's a small, you know, Gordon had said in chat, if it's 1 year, 3 to 5, probably. Right?

Dave Jackson [00:37:36]:

Jim Collison [00:37:37]:
So, you know, that would probably work for for both ways, but try to reach out. If not, take the risk or change it slightly. You know, I chances are if they weren't podcasting very long, it's not like they're out there looking for this, but it is always a risk. You know? You say you're wildly popular, and then somebody come does come back and say, oh, no. No. This was us first, and then you got money to deal with or whatever. So it is worth like you said, it's worth a look. If you're gonna do this seriously, it's probably worth and Gordon came on months ago now, I think a couple months ago, and said, it's probably worth, you know, spending some dollars on a copyright person to to get that done

Dave Jackson [00:38:18]:
for you. Or a trademark.

Jim Collison [00:38:19]:
Check it out. Yeah. Yeah. Trademark copyright. Whatever.

Dave Jackson [00:38:22]:
Yeah. I think Copyright.

Jim Collison [00:38:23]:
Probably using those terms wrong.

Dave Jackson [00:38:25]:
Yeah. Doctor is like, what's the a trademark is when you trademark a name. A copyright is more, I think, your content. Like, you know, a writing is this is copyrighted. You know, you know, if you want the answer to that, He's the entertainment lawyer. He's on YouTube. He's everywhere and, always, can answer your questions as well.

Jim Collison [00:38:46]:
And ChatGPT would probably answer that question additionally as well. I don't know if it's that

Dave Jackson [00:38:50]:
far. I'm not taking any legal advice from ChatGPT. I was listening to Adam Curry, and he kept asking ChatGPT questions that he knew the answer to. Like, what is the book that John C. Dvorak has been working on for years but never finished? And they're like, it's this. He's like, that is not correct. And it's like, oh, and then he's even he is like, it's about a liquid, and it just kept giving him the wrong answers. So Gary says Mark Williams has been doing a LinkedIn podcast called LinkedIn formed for 78 years and was recently contacted by LinkedIn Lawyers.

Dave Jackson [00:39:25]:
Yeah. Shades of Entrepreneur on Fire. Yeah. That would the interesting thing about that, that's the John Lee Dumas Show, is John's dad is a lawyer. So he had access to, I'm gonna guess, pretty cheap legal fees and but he was up against, you know, Entrepreneur Magazine.

Jim Collison [00:39:45]:
Yeah. He may have thought there who who from Entrepreneur Magazine is gonna actually do this? It's a podcast. Right? Now they're they're not similar forms of media. They are both forms of media, but I don't think anybody could have predicted in John's case that Right. The magazine would come after him for that.

Dave Jackson [00:40:03]:
Well and I would argue that, like, look, one's a magazine's, one's a podcast. They are kinda different in a way. But my point was, most people won't find it because, well, I can't afford the legal. Right. And I'm like, well, John, a, John could even if his dad wasn't a lawyer. But it's like and I go ahead and, you know, maybe his his dad was a divorce lawyer. Who knows? You know, he may not have been up on entertainment law. In which case, you go hire Gordon Firemark.

Dave Jackson [00:40:29]:
But I just thought it was interesting that John started to kind of fight it and then said, okay. I'm enter entrepreneurs on fire. And most of the time, his logo was EO Fire. So he kind of backed away from the word entrepreneur. Yeah.

Jim Collison [00:40:44]:
So Yeah. Well, the EOF was kind of the middle finger to them to say, fine. I'll just go rebrand everything. And and now that's a lot of work. I mean, he had a lot of episodes. Yeah. I'm sure he had to hire somebody. It might have been cheaper to hire the lawyer to fight it than to hire.

Jim Collison [00:41:02]:
I'm sure he had to hire somebody to go back and change all of

Dave Jackson [00:41:05]:
that stuff. Rebranding. Yeah. Holy people like Yeah.

Jim Collison [00:41:10]:
A lot of stuff.

Dave Jackson [00:41:11]:
Like, we just Libsyn just changed advertise cast to Libsyn ads. And just that's a a decent you know, I think there's, I don't know, 30 to 50 people working in Advertisecast. Everybody's gotta get new business cards. And all the marketing material that you're gonna bring to Podcast Movement, I think I'm I'm I'm guessing, which I'm pretty sure this is accurate. I'm pretty sure the marketing department knew this was happening, and we're announcing it a podcast movement. So I'm pretty sure we have new material for advertised cast at the, we're not gonna be like, oh, this this is Advertisecast, but it slips and I'm pretty sure all the new material. But it's it's a lot. And then the website so, you know, you're paying your web guy to redo all the stuff.

Dave Jackson [00:41:53]:
It's rebranding if not yeah.

Jim Collison [00:41:56]:
And that's more than just copy paste. Yeah. Like, you mean, you're just not doing that. You know, there's a good comment in chat about reminds me, you know, the LinkedIn guy Yeah. Could have reached out to LinkedIn and asked for a a partnership deal. Yeah. Let's say, Hey, I want to sign in. This isn't where the LinkedIn pays you.

Jim Collison [00:42:13]:
Although that may, that could happen. You could say, Hey, I want to license that name and then reach out, you know, you have to get, this is gonna cost some money. It may be cheaper than rebranding though, to say, no, I wanna, I wanna license the LinkedIn name to use for these purposes. Not all companies will do that. It's that's not a the the company's gotta be willing to go into some kind of relationship, And then they may take some stake in what you're doing. Plus and that may be an annual you know, you may have to pay them annually for that, something like that. Plus, or they may, if you do partner with them, if you do license with them, they may start an advertising for you too. So it's worth to ask, like if they came, you know, if that had happened to me, I might've said, Hey, can I license this then? Can I license the use of, of that name? And if they said no, I would say, well, how can I partner with you on I wanna do this? How can I partner with you on this and make this thing work? There are no guarantees in any of that.

Jim Collison [00:43:13]:
They may say absolutely not. Change the name, change everything. Some some legal groups within organizations don't want any of that infringement. Some may say, oh, this may be a good opportunity to, you know, do partner together to to to have more reach.

Dave Jackson [00:43:31]:
Yeah. Gary says they made him a LinkedIn top voice, though. He goes, but the fun thing is he speaks his mind about LinkedIn, which at times is not exactly complimentary. So and that's why to me, I I somewhere along the line, I'm gonna make a YouTube video about notejoy. And the one thing I'm gonna point out is the fact I I to me, that's what I love. When I see a review and they go, I love this. I love this. I love this and this.

Dave Jackson [00:43:56]:
Then there's but there's one thing that I wish they would change that gives that review validity because I see a Mhmm. On YouTube, if I see a video review and it starts off and it is an AI an obvious AI voice talk, I'm like, okay. Next. Because no. Just and by that, I mean, no. But those are always and and they're oh, it's always just slow moving. Like, they've taken the screenshots from their website, and they're gonna animate them by zooming in on them. So it's this video talking about the new Von Speeder.

Dave Jackson [00:44:30]:
The thing I'm like, no. Just no. But I always

Jim Collison [00:44:33]:
Obviously, stock. Obviously, stock photography. Yeah. You know?

Dave Jackson [00:44:36]:
Tom Buck is a guy that reviews microphones. Bandrew is another guy that reviews equipment. And they will openly first of all, both those guys buy their own stuff. And if they do get it given to them, they always fully disclose. So, like, no. No. This is my opinion. I do not get influenced by by that kind of stuff.

Dave Jackson [00:44:55]:

Jim Collison [00:44:55]:
But it's it's painful to watch reviewers who are how do I use the word? That are not kind. We'll put it that way. Mhmm. To the about the things they're reviewing in an unprofessional kind of way, you know, and and you're like, Hey, it's just an opportunity. You know, you could review this thing and say, I love this, and I love this, and this works great for me here and I'll and this about it. And there were some things that didn't work for me in this. This, this, and that. Right.

Dave Jackson [00:45:26]:

Jim Collison [00:45:26]:
find some reviewers who just come straight out just smashing it, You know? And you're like, is that really I mean, is that really necessary at times? And so here's a good example. This last week, Erin Lawrence was on my was on my show a week ago, and she she tested out one of these bird feeders that has a camera in it. Right? So that you put the bird feed in it. The birds come up. The camera takes a picture of them.

Dave Jackson [00:45:50]:
Oh, nice.

Jim Collison [00:45:51]:
Yeah. It's kinda cool. Right? Kinda cool. Well, the the the company a that she got it from, it was not the best design in the world. And she said you know, she reviewed it and said, I like all these things about it. And then there's these things I didn't like about it. It's hard to get the it's hard to get the bird food in there. The thing's kind of awkward.

Jim Collison [00:46:08]:
This doesn't work this way. The camera, the, I have to charge the battery every 5 minutes kind of thing. So she said, but I did try this other one, and that seems to be solved those problems. And so she, you know, talked about that. And I was like, oh, that's kind of cool. I'd have a hummingbird feeder outside. I'd love one of those. You know what happened? That company B contacted me the day after, and they were like, Hey, we heard on your show, you wanted to you were in the hummingbird feeders.

Jim Collison [00:46:37]:
We have one. Would you, you know, would you try one for us? And I said, you have to talk to me. There's I don't do this via email. I want a conversation with you. And they said, oh yeah, great. And they were in China. So I had to, you know, it was late at night for me and early, early morning for them. But I told them, I said, look, I don't do reviews and I don't, if there's things I don't like, I'm gonna say that.

Jim Collison [00:46:57]:
She's like, perfectly fine. We, we want honest, be honest about it kind of thing. I just wanted to make that really, really clear to them that I'm not like, I'm, you're, you're going to give this to me, but I'm I'm not gonna that that's that's not gonna stop me from saying things about it. So you never with those kinds of things in the review space, one of the things, you don't have to be obnoxious about it, right, in, in the bad review. But they also do they're listening. You know, there's a lot of a lot of times those companies are listening. And if you can be good Erin is really, really good about the way she has her pros and cons, and she has these great relationships with the the vendors. And the vendors say, like, hey, actually, some of the advice she gave us we've listened to, and we're gonna implement them in future versions of this.

Jim Collison [00:47:45]:
And so I guess I'm saying be kind in some of these things. I mean, you don't you don't have to be a shill. Is that the right word? Shill?

Dave Jackson [00:47:52]:

Jim Collison [00:47:53]:
You don't have to be a shill for them, but you'd also don't need to be a jerk Right. About the way you say it either.

Dave Jackson [00:47:59]:
There's a a guy that I just discovered. I Alan something. Anyways, he's a he's a preacher kinda guy. And somebody at my church is like I I mentioned the name Joyce Meyer. And she's like, well, you do and without getting into a religious discussion, but she's like, do you do know she's a false prophet? I'm like, wait. What? I'm never I'm like, I've seen Joyce. She seems pretty cool. And there's a guy on YouTube, and about every 9th video is him explaining and he, of course, he has some sort of scripture, you know, Jonah blah blah blah.

Dave Jackson [00:48:33]:
This is why I have to do this. And then he just trashes another pastor, and they're all much more popular than he is. And I'm like, I'm smelling the marketing thing here that maybe that's what his whole thing is. And I'm like Too

Jim Collison [00:48:44]:
bad. It's too bad. It's just it it's the worst kind of marketing.

Dave Jackson [00:48:48]:
Yeah. Gary says one YouTuber I respect is, is it Curtis Judd or Judd Curtis? I never know. But, anyway, that guy, his audio tech reviews are always detailed, and he always does the pros and cons in the opening seconds of the video and the and great audio samples. It's awesome. Yeah. I like, I I always thought it was Curtis Judd, but maybe he's Judd I mean, whoever. That guy. You know him when you see him.

Dave Jackson [00:49:12]:
Gordon's got some follow-up, which is great. The difference with between entrepreneur and John Lee Dumas is entrepreneurs still using the name for their media product and services. So even after a a number of years, they have the right to protect and rely on. And that's the other thing.

Jim Collison [00:49:28]:
And that's the key there. They they have the right to protect it, which means they can get into court. Right? And that's what you wanna avoid at that at that point. It doesn't mean it's a judgment on you or you can't do it. This means they can take you to court and sue you for it.

Dave Jackson [00:49:41]:
Well, that's the other thing. Yeah. Gary says here, I saw a video about a guitar teaching system, and the guy just totally trashed it. And they sent their lawyers for him. I've been in that. Yeah. I just I disclosed I work for Lipson in a company, you know, let me play with their stuff. And then I said I didn't like it.

Dave Jackson [00:49:58]:
And they sent the dogs after me. And I'm like, wait. What? Yeah. So that was fun. I also accidentally

Jim Collison [00:50:04]:
Hold hold on just before you get off that point. The other I've watched a lot of reviewers to your to you in your situation where they get something and they don't like it, and then they go back to the who gave it to them and say, hey, All these things I didn't like. I'm gonna publish this, or do you want me just to give it back?

Dave Jackson [00:50:24]:
That's what I do. I do that now. But, yeah, also, don't say they're a bunch of liars and you should never do business with them.

Jim Collison [00:50:30]:
Well, that's a classic. That's a classic. That was a Dave Jackson classic. What not to do.

Dave Jackson [00:50:37]:
Yes. Exactly.

Jim Collison [00:50:38]:
You know what not to say.

Dave Jackson [00:50:40]:
Yeah. Learn

Jim Collison [00:50:40]:
from me. Don't do what I do.

Dave Jackson [00:50:42]:
Don't do what I say. Yeah.

Jim Collison [00:50:44]:
I've had my moments. I'm sorry. I cut you off there.

Dave Jackson [00:50:47]:
No. But it's just the thing was in the article that I put in the chat room, and I'll have it in the show notes. James Cridland was talking about this, and he said and and, Gordon, you can correct me if and if you wanna pop in, you can. The link's there at the top of the screen. James said he got a trademark for $900, and that seemed a little cheap. I I was thinking at least like, I was thinking 1500. And then the other thing you have to and this is the part I don't know, is once you get a trademark, you then have to defend it. And I was looking at places where you, you know, like, whatever trademark farm or whatever it was.

Dave Jackson [00:51:26]:
You know, there are all these different trademarks for us, but they all were like, oh, it's x amount to get the trademark, and then you hire us, and it's x amount a year to then defend it. So if somebody's trying to use school of or whatever, and that's now the good news is and I'm not an accountant or even play 1 on TV, but I'm pretty sure that's a a fee you could claim as an expense on your taxes. So but it still means you gotta have a couple grand in the in the kitty to, to pay for that.

Jim Collison [00:51:56]:
Yeah. Yeah. You gotta defend it. The the other I mean, you could the other route you can go is just be super generic and use words that aren't that, you know, like peanut butter. Like, you know, that we're the peanut butter podcast. Well, that's a pretty common term. Right? And so maybe maybe the peanut butter folks would come after you. I don't know.

Jim Collison [00:52:18]:

Dave Jackson [00:52:19]:
Jiff. That's it. Jiff and Peter Pan gang up on you. I thought it was just Jiff. Just j I f.

Jim Collison [00:52:24]:
Good day, Jeff.

Dave Jackson [00:52:25]:
Jif is, the popcorn.

Jim Collison [00:52:29]:
Oh, right.

Dave Jackson [00:52:29]:
Yeah. With the weird little sultan's hat that comes out that of the pan.

Jim Collison [00:52:34]:
The stove. Remember the stovetop?

Dave Jackson [00:52:35]:
Yeah. Was it that you

Jim Collison [00:52:36]:
would put on it? You can't even buy can you buy those anymore? Is that even

Dave Jackson [00:52:40]:
a What was interesting about that? This tells you how bored we were in the seventies that that was entertainment. And, b, 9 times out of 10, you burnt it. So you after you burned your hands trying to because it made basically a fishbowl of popcorn.

Jim Collison [00:52:56]:
Not not safe at all. Yeah.

Dave Jackson [00:52:58]:
And, yeah, that was what did you do before microwaves? Well, we we put this thing on a stove, but it was fun, you know, to watch.

Jim Collison [00:53:05]:
Were big. Air poppers were huge. I mean, remember all the different brands

Dave Jackson [00:53:10]:
and you get it. Healthy popcorn.

Jim Collison [00:53:12]:
And then it would, it would shoot it out the front. And And

Dave Jackson [00:53:15]:
then everybody said, well, yeah, it tastes like cardboard. I'm like, yes.

Jim Collison [00:53:18]:
Until you just tell you put it. Some of them had a top where you could put butter in you'd put butter in a in a in a container on top. And while it was popping the corn, it would melt the butter, and then you could Right. Put the delicious butter in

Dave Jackson [00:53:35]:
it. Yeah.

Jim Collison [00:53:35]:
Do you?

Dave Jackson [00:53:36]:
Still? I have a well, I have the thing that it's a little basically, a hot plate with a dome over it. And you put the oil in, you put the popcorn, and then it it turns this little cable so it spins it. Because I used to do that. Like, my mom had a recipe. This much butter, you had to throw some Crisco in there. It was a handful and a half of yellow popcorn and then, like, just a half a handful of white popcorn. But the fun part is you would spin it, and it had these vents for, you know, steam. And the fun part was never make popcorn without a shirt on because once that thing starts popping, grease starts flying out of the the air holes.

Dave Jackson [00:54:12]:
And it was, it was always kinda like, well, how how hurt am I gonna get making popcorn this time? Because to me, if you cut me, I will bleed popcorn. That's one of those things I could just not get enough of.

Jim Collison [00:54:23]:
So delicious. It's amazing what we allowed in the seventies, the front flying grease and things like that where, you know, we smoked in the house.

Dave Jackson [00:54:34]:
Yeah. The good old days.

Jim Collison [00:54:35]:
Oh, the good old seventies.

Dave Jackson [00:54:38]:
Yeah. On that $900, Gordon has chimed in. $900 is low. Yeah. I thought so. That's probably excluding the government cost. So, yeah, it's it's one of those things that you know, it's Jim said the if you're taking this seriously you know, because it's one of those things it's probably one because I need to. I like, the school I shouldn't say that out loud.

Dave Jackson [00:54:57]:
It was like, I'm gonna go get a trademark. But I have You've had

Jim Collison [00:55:00]:
it for a long time.

Dave Jackson [00:55:01]:
Yeah. I've had it for 2,005, but I it's

Jim Collison [00:55:03]:
Yeah. And you you have proof going back. You know, I I do. So from from time to time, I get asked from from for my day job, hey, do you have things that you've said about this going back in your videos to this day? Because some, you know, somebody's disputing something. And and so you you have a lot of material there. That's for Yeah. That's for. That's where your website becomes important too, publish dates and some of those kinds of things.

Dave Jackson [00:55:30]:
Yeah. We are on a popcorn roll. Gary says, who remembers burn pop corn in the work microwave? Oh, yeah. That that never goes over well.

Jim Collison [00:55:37]:
We're Bowden now. That's for Bowden to make popcorn.

Dave Jackson [00:55:40]:
See, I'm weird. I like it ever so slightly burnt. Just a little. Oh. It it kinda gives it a weird barbecue flavor, but it does make the house stink. The movie

Jim Collison [00:55:49]:
scotch then. If you were if you were a whiskey drinker, you'd like Scotch.

Dave Jackson [00:55:53]:
Todd the Gator says, the movie theater still use the spinning wheel. Yes. And it's

Jim Collison [00:55:57]:
a proven, it's a proven method. I mean, you can't, the movie theaters, when you, when you have to make a metric ton, I'll use, we'll leave that word out.

Dave Jackson [00:56:05]:
Yeah. When you have

Jim Collison [00:56:06]:
to make a metric ton of popcorn every single night. And there's something about that movie theater popcorn. I don't know. It's it's terrible and delicious

Dave Jackson [00:56:14]:
all at the same time. Fake butter that just screams diarrhea if you put too much on it. I

Jim Collison [00:56:20]:
can't stop eating it.

Dave Jackson [00:56:21]:
And you can't stop eating it. Yeah. I Can't stop. Won't stop.

Jim Collison [00:56:24]:
I'm sorry.

Dave Jackson [00:56:26]:
And the beauty of that is you've eaten at least 3 fourths of the giant bucket the size of your head, and you're still halfway through the trailers. Like, you haven't even got to the movie yet. And then you you know, the gallon of of Coke, you know, and then the the joy that is, okay, I'm I'm just gonna hold it for, you know, and then you're watching, you know, some sort of superhero movie that's 2 and a half hours long. So Doctor has one last thing on the transcript thing. If you did reach out to them, let's say after the 5 year mark and they said, no. I'm not gonna sell you my name or my feed. And it's after 5 years. To me, it Run.

Dave Jackson [00:57:04]:
Yeah. I'm like

Jim Collison [00:57:05]:
Run. If they're if listen. If it's been 5 years and they are still saying no, if you do something along those lines, they are I'm I'm not saying

Dave Jackson [00:57:13]:
You just put a bull's eye on your back. You're like, they're gonna be watching. You don't

Jim Collison [00:57:17]:
do something different. Yeah. Do something different.

Dave Jackson [00:57:19]:
So let's see. We've got fun things. I'm gonna show you a fun tool in a minute that I found, and then Tim has a question about newsletters. We're gonna get to that. But right now would be a great time to talk about, except I have to go back to the first slide, which I didn't do. And this, of course, is oh, I oh, I can do that. I can jump right to page 1. Yeah.

Dave Jackson [00:57:38]:
Our awesome supporters. We love them. We need them. They're awesome. You can be an awesome supporter by going to ask the podcast And this show is brought to you by the school of where you get courses to walk you through from everything. We had somebody join up last night that is a flight attendant from Brazil. She's awesome, and she's going to be doing a show about stories about flight attendants and what happens in the sky.

Dave Jackson [00:58:06]:
So but she got that through coaching, 1 on 1 coaching, unlimited 1 on 1 coaching, and, of course, the awesome podcasting community. So besides flight attendants, we've got comedy writers. We got a couple of retired pastors. We have I think here, we have psychologists. A lot of great people, and they're doing podcasts. And Ask the Podcast Coach runs on PodPage now here's the thing, the tied in to what we're talking about, I asked Brendan. I said, hey. Can I buy the domains because you own the copyright and the trademark to pod page? He's like he's like and he goes, why are you buying those? And I go, well, try PodPage I'm gonna use for my affiliate link.

Dave Jackson [00:58:45]:
And learn PodPage, I'm gonna make a free course. And as both of those were promoting his service, he's like, well, by all means. You know? And I'm like, alright. Cool. But I should've, like, printed out that email and had him sign it or something. But so far, Brent and I are buddies.

Jim Collison [00:58:59]:
At least keep at least keep it. Right? I mean, at least keep it somewhere so you've got it.

Dave Jackson [00:59:04]:
Yeah. And, we are using Ecamm. So if you wanna check out Ecamm for live streaming, go to ask the podcast And if you need more Jim Colson, there he is. is where you can check out Home Gadget Geeks. And is this the next slide? It is. It's time for the awesome wheel, O'Neige. Yes.

Dave Jackson [00:59:28]:
And this is one of those things that's gamifying things makes it fun. I've had people say, how do I get my name on the wheel? I'm like, $20 a month? Part. Yeah.

Jim Collison [00:59:36]:
It's my favorite. So everybody should give you $20 just to get on this wheel. It's so much fun.

Dave Jackson [00:59:42]:
Right. We should add the, crap. I forget the name of the cartoon already. AT Aquafine Aqua Teen

Jim Collison [00:59:50]:
Aqua Aqua Teen.

Dave Jackson [00:59:51]:
Teen Hunger Force. Yes.

Jim Collison [00:59:52]:
But don't dance? I'm sorry

Dave Jackson [00:59:54]:
about that. The link to that, by the way, Aqua Teen Hunger Force podcast will be a link in the show notes. But we will shuffle it just so nobody thinks we're cheating, and we will let it spin. Will it be Glenn? Will it be Ralph? Will it be Ross? Who knows? Will it be and it's spinning. It's going round and round, and it looks like it might be Flame Alive podcast. There you go. Because hey. When when do the Olympics start in France?

Jim Collison [01:00:20]:
This summer.

Dave Jackson [01:00:20]:
Yeah. Right around the corner.

Jim Collison [01:00:22]:
I'm in July, August, something.

Dave Jackson [01:00:24]:
Yeah. Keep the Flame Alive pod, if I remember right, is their website. I'll put a link to that out in the show notes, but thank you, ladies. They cover and the beautiful thing is they've actually got to cover the Olympics. So how cool is that that you're a podcaster and you get to go to the Olympics? That is very, very cool. So with that, as we wrap up our supporter segment here, you can, you know hey. Look. If I'm saving you time right now, am I saving you money? Am I saving you headaches? Am I keeping you educated so that you can serve your podcast clients better? But then maybe you should think about becoming an awesome supporter at ask the podcast

Dave Jackson [01:01:02]:
And, of course, if you are a $20 person, not only do you get your name on the wheel, but you get your website listed at ask the podcast So thanks to all our awesome supporters. And I found a new toy. I've been playing with this because I'm I'm getting ready to start the Your Podcast website. So I'm starting to play with website tools. And I found one that's kinda cool and kinda creepy at the same time. And this is if you go to support this show dot com / mouseflow, that is my affiliate link. And here's the fun thing.

Dave Jackson [01:01:39]:
I just started using it, obviously, so there's only, like, 3 days of data here. But if I go here, I can see here where someone was here for 10 minutes from Surat, India maybe? I'm not sure what that flag is. But at any rate, I can come here's one here. Yeah. These are some overseas people. Somebody here 9 hours ago from DuckDuckGo, they found the question of the month. So if I click on this now, I can watch what they did on my website. So we're watching their mouse go around.

Dave Jackson [01:02:13]:
They're scrolling up. They're trying to figure out, do I upload an image, or do I click on something? And they're not sure what to do. So this is great if you're like, why am I not getting anybody subscribing to the show? It's kinda frustrating because you're watching this going, just click the box. It's right there. Click begin upload. Yeah. That's all you have to do. You know? And, suddenly they sound like Seinfeld.

Dave Jackson [01:02:37]:
Just click the button. It's right there. What's wrong with you? Oh, these people. So I I guess he's thoroughly yeah. I guess he's thoroughly confused here. But it's what here's the cool thing about it is you get 500 videos a month for free. Now, obviously, if you get more, you know, like but I get, you know, 5,000 views a month. Yeah.

Dave Jackson [01:03:00]:
It's support this I'll throw this in the chat room. Can't remember. I think it's s. Support this, f o w. And it's pretty hand and now the thing I loved about it was I have all these buttons for, like, you know, join now. Click here to play video. Click here to blah blah blah.

Dave Jackson [01:03:26]:
It's so easy. You you say, do you it's like, do you wanna tag your website? And I'm like, as in tag, you're like, what does tag mean? They have a really great help section, and you click on it. And I just went, clicked on the login button. I'm like, okay. And click on the join now button. Okay. Got it tagged. And now I'll be able to go in and see stats to see, okay, I had x amount of visitors and only, you know, a half a percent clicked on the join now button.

Dave Jackson [01:03:53]:
It's pretty slick. And the reason I liked it because there are other ones. There's Hotjar. There's one from there's one from Microsoft, I believe, called Clarity. And theirs just reeked of, like, I don't know what I'm doing here, but it's like you have to change your privacy notice if you use this tool. And I'm like, that's kinda where I go red flag. I'm like, so and I know there's Hotjar. Hotjar is not bad.

Dave Jackson [01:04:18]:
I've used Hotjar before, but I found this one. And because, you know, I know my audience, I'm like, what's their free plan look like? And they have a forever free plan. Now it's only 500 videos a month, but it's just like a good drug dealer. You know, the first one's free. And I was like, well, they get you hooked on the free plan. And then you're like, oh, wait. I wanna have more videos, or I want the data to stick around longer.

Jim Collison [01:04:40]:
It's not cheap. I mean, this you're talking a $100 a month for the for the growth plan.

Dave Jackson [01:04:44]:
Yeah. And then the one what's the one underneath that? I wanna say it's, like, $30.

Jim Collison [01:04:48]:
Starter's $30. Yeah. 31.

Dave Jackson [01:04:50]:
So but I was like, but the fact that they had a free plan, I was like, well, you know, it's it's a bummer that I can only you know, but they need to eat. And I'm sure these videos are not cheap to make and host in that whole 9 year. They only host them Yeah. For, like, a month. But if you I just thought, and I was like, Rich Graham says I've used inspect inspectlet for that. So there are a bunch of these. I just happen to come across this one when I was I was googling hot jar alternatives. And I was like, well, that's kinda fun, you know, and creepy at the same time, but it does.

Dave Jackson [01:05:21]:
If if your goal is to, I want them to click on this button. You know? And you can also see how far they scroll down. So if your, you know, offers at the bottom and they're not scrolling down at all, it's I've seen these before. I forget the I Hotjar was the one I used many, many moons ago.

Jim Collison [01:05:37]:
Record everything? Does it record every every everybody that hits the site?

Dave Jackson [01:05:41]:
Everybody that hits the site. Yeah. So So

Jim Collison [01:05:44]:
are you getting more than 5,000 there are 5,000 a month is the is that bottom

Dave Jackson [01:05:50]:
of the 500?

Jim Collison [01:05:52]:
No. I think it's 5

Dave Jackson [01:05:53]:
That was 5 100.

Jim Collison [01:05:55]:
5000 recordings a month

Dave Jackson [01:05:57]:
for Starter. On the starter. Right. For free.

Jim Collison [01:06:00]:
On the starter. 500 for free. Yeah.

Dave Jackson [01:06:02]:
5 Yeah. So, yeah, I'm I get not a ton of traffic, but more than that. Wait. The 5,000. I have to look. That's about probably where I'm at. But here's the thing. Did I tell you about my horror story with my my oh, dude.

Dave Jackson [01:06:15]:
I switched, and this is not I'm gonna say this upfront. This is not an all in one SEO problem. I'm gonna point the finger at at little old me. For whatever reason, all in one SEO had some sort of Black Friday deal or whatever it was. And I bought it. And I was like so I switched from Yoast to all in one, and it seemed like it was like, there there was probably one feature that I was like, oh, shiny thing. So I got it, and I've been looking at again, I'm getting into more website stuff. And I had a guy that was gonna look at it, and he he was using Ahrefs, which is a super expensive tool.

Dave Jackson [01:06:49]:
And he's like, dude, what happened to your website? I go, what do you mean? He goes, you were ranking really well for some really good keywords. And he goes, about a year and a half ago, your website went in the toilet. He goes, what'd you do? And I go, the only thing I can think of is I changed my my SEO plug in. And he's like, well, he goes, both those are good, you know, whether it's Yoast or or all in one. And I'm like, Well, I have a tool called Ubersuggest that they have a lifetime deal for, like, $250. So I've been I use them off and on. It's kinda funny because if you don't use them regularly, when you log in, they yell at you. They're like, we've quit updating.

Dave Jackson [01:07:24]:
Like, you where have you been? Alright. We're not updating Dave's stats anymore. And so they're like, we haven't crawled your site in a while. Like, what's going on? Like, okay. Here it is. And it's like, I can't crawl your site. And I'm like, what do you mean can't crawl my site? Like, it's right there. I just just Google it.

Dave Jackson [01:07:40]:
Nope. So I so I went over. I'm like, oh, wait a minute. So I go into all in one SEO, and I click on a couple of things. And I go into, like, settings, and then I go into advanced. And, you know, where you have that just holy cow, like, I can't believe this has happened. There's a there's a thing called a robot text file on your website, and you're basically it's instructions on what you can and can't do. So, like, you can say, don't let this person or don't so I had a slash whatever it is, no follow, which basically means don't crawl my site.

Dave Jackson [01:08:16]:
Like, the only the only stuff I was getting for it was from people that had linked to me or for me going to school of I was like, no. You gotta be kidding me. And so what was interesting is I turned it off, obviously. And the first thing I was never been so happy to get spam in my life. Because the minute, like, all of a sudden I'm getting relisted and just spit like, 100 of spam messages. And I was like, oh, what's going on? So then I looked at my Akismet because, you know, I love WordPress. So I go to Akismet.

Dave Jackson [01:08:48]:
I'm like, what's the deal? I'm like, oh, you need to update your credentials, which I went to get them because you used to be able to use Akismet for free. Used to. Yeah. So you get to pick, but it can't be 0. So I paid them some money, got that, and that's not blocking my spam. But it was, like, one of those things where as much as we're worried about microphones and transcripts and blah blah blah, you know, that's the whole point of that show is, hey. I know YouTube is the number 2 search engine. The number 1 is Google, and Google needs your website.

Dave Jackson [01:09:19]:
And when I started looking at it, I was like, oh, wait. I think I've got a problem here. And I did. So it's kind of fun to now fun but sad to go into my Google Analytics and see where I was getting no traffic. And now it's just this icon taken back off, but it's, and I and Yeah. Yeah. The link there's a broken link checker that Mhmm. Apparently is now working that didn't used to.

Dave Jackson [01:09:44]:
And, man, I had it was episode 24. I have a lot of old episodes that are I'm linking to podcasters and services that don't exist any

Jim Collison [01:09:55]:
Correct. So I

Dave Jackson [01:09:56]:
have to go in, like, unlink, unlink. And that and, also, it's weird to see where you're at. Like, episode 24, my show notes were maybe 5 sentences. Was like on today's show, we talk with Mark from such and such of the such and such, blah blah blah. We also talk about yada yada yada, links to sites. That was it. I'm like, man. Okay.

Dave Jackson [01:10:17]:
Now it's I write a book for my show notes. But Yeah. It was it was really weird. So Ken Blanchard, he says, do you ever wonder if foreign intelligent communities are using the mouse app to backdoor follow? Probably. I wouldn't put it past them. Those three letter or foreign intelligence or or our own for that matter. Also, if you are in the DC area, Ken needs some help. His wife needs a little extra care, and he he takes care of her like a good man should, but he could use a day off on Friday.

Dave Jackson [01:10:48]:
And if you live in DC, Ken, let's go to pretty sure speak life is still there, or just look for Ken Blanchard. He's, and Ken has, if I remember right, 2 n's because he's he's just that cool. No. Maybe doesn't. Look for Ken Blanchard, Speak Life Church or Black Man with a Gun. Although that title makes him sound very scary, and he's not. He's a a lovely gentle person that's, awesome and he could use some help. So if you're in the DC area and wanna help out a really good dude, check him out.

Dave Jackson [01:11:16]:
But let me go back. I forgot I told Tim we'd answer his question. Jim, do you have a newsletter for, Home Gadget Geeks of any sort?

Jim Collison [01:11:24]:
And on. It's off and on. Yeah.

Dave Jackson [01:11:27]:
So Tim's question is and I forgot to do this. I I think I've now fixed this. I figured this out. If we do this, that comes up. And then if I push the button again manually, it goes back to that. So Oofun, I've I figured out

Jim Collison [01:11:38]:
just like that.

Dave Jackson [01:11:39]:
Yeah. So he's saying, look. Is Substack more advantageous? Is it more advantageous versus a blog post on your website? Instead of 1 or the other, do both It would be my answer. I don't know what they do at substack. Some sort of magic potion, but I get at least let's do this realistically. 3 3 new subscribers a week. And over time that for a while, when I first started, that's one that I should do every week, and it usually ends up being, like, 2 to 3 weeks out of a month. I don't know that I've done a full month every week.

Dave Jackson [01:12:15]:
And I try to do it on Friday, but I it it just keeps growing. And so when I had my list on, I think I used to use MailerLite. I know I've used ConvertKit. And I was just like, look. I'm not really gonna use this because Substack is meant for writers, for artists that want to spew their opinion on. It's not really meant for a b split testing. Although I did one this week. I did a, a webinar with, Thomas Umstatt.

Dave Jackson [01:12:46]:
And it's just fun to say Umstatt because can it sound more German junior? And he is a book guru. If you go to, by the way, school of, you can see a replay of his presentation. But I did that on Substack. But they they kind of frown on you just like, buy my stuff over and over and over. You're supposed to be communicating with people over there. But I I tend to do that, and it's just I don't know how they're growing it or why they're growing it. I know they do a lot of if you like this, you'll like this kind of stuff with their newsletters. Like, hey.

Dave Jackson [01:13:20]:
You're you're listening to you know, you're reading Dave. You might like Tony Bo, I think it is, who does something about black podcasting news, which is kinda cool. And then there's there's a bunch of people over there, Tink Media. And we've all been jumping on Substack. And the thing I like about it, it's free. And, you know, normally, I'm not a fan of free because that stuff goes out of business. So the first thing I did when I looked at it was, can I export the list? Like, do I own the list? Or is this an Apple kind of thing where, you know, Apple subscriptions, anybody that subscribes to that, you don't get the customer information because they're not your customer. They're Apple's customer.

Dave Jackson [01:14:01]:
And I was like, really? So I like the fact that Substack, if I ever wanted to move, I could just export my list and go. But so far, it's been working great. And what I did was, a, I had somebody LinkedIn guru said, Dave, do you know that you have a LinkedIn newsletter and you have one edition? So I set it up and forgot about it. So I take my Substack newsletter, which is really just like it's a paragraph of, like, what's going on behind the scenes. Then there's a like I mentioned, like, I'm now selling my audiobook. It's not even done yet, but I'm doing a thing where if you go to school of, you can buy it now, and the first, like, two chapters are there. But if you're an early adopter, I'm gonna give you a channel to where you can ask me questions as you listen to the book. And part of that will then be the bonus content for the book, which will include a shout out to you.

Dave Jackson [01:14:59]:
And so that's that was in there. And then there's a what caught my eye. So, like, I I learned about Moxie. If you're a entrepreneur or freelancer, Moxie is a pretty cool tool. So if you're using your podcast as a business so there's that part. And that's really it. It's to me, I look at it and go, this is the dumbest newsletter ever. And I have people say, I love your newsletter because I can read it in about 2 minutes.

Dave Jackson [01:15:23]:
It's just here's what's going on. Links, links, links, links in, like, headings to show what the links are. And then what I started doing with my latest one was I mean, like, hey, here's the title of last week's ask the podcast coach, and it'll say ask the podcast coach. And I'm now putting follow buttons after that. So if somebody really wants like, you know what? I always see these titles from ask the podcast coach. Now they're gonna be able to click on follow because if you're using podpage, which we are, if you go to ask the podcast, all the links are there that you've put in for Apple and Spotify. And I was gonna say Google, not next week because there's no show next week, but also there's you will still have Google. But come April 2nd, Google Podcast, that button won't really work.

Dave Jackson [01:16:11]:
And per Libsyn per Google from Libsyn, they're not gonna redirect that, which how stupid is that? Why wouldn't you redirect it to YouTube Music? And per James Cridlin, it's because you can't link to a show in YouTube Music. How stupid is that? Which is why I'm not sending people. I'm like, use Podorama. Use Podcast Guru. Use Podcast Addict if you're on an Android phone. But so for me, you know, I I like the fact that to get back to Tim's question, blog or newsletter. I would put it on my my website. If you wanted to, you could have chat gpt kinda rewrite it for you maybe if you're worried about duplicate content because your Substack is also a website, but do them both.

Dave Jackson [01:16:56]:
But I I I don't know what's going on with Substack, but and and, again, I'm not I'm not giddy about 5 new listeners or 5 new subscribers. I just know I didn't used to get that when I was on a dedicated, you know, newsletter thing. So what's, when you do a newsletter, what's usually in yours?

Jim Collison [01:17:14]:
It it was just personal advice or not advice, but just a personal updates and such. It I I always go back and forth with with those newsletters. Sometimes I'll get really good at it for a while. Yeah. If you're gonna do them, you gotta do them regular. I saw an interesting thing this week. A good friend of mine, Cody Wheat, who used to do shots of history, he's called in here before as a and asked some questions. He did a podcast called shots of history.

Jim Collison [01:17:41]:
Ran out of time. Life got busy. He got a, you know, he got a job that was very, very demanding during the pandemic and decided to kind of end the show. And I was sad because I really liked, you know, I really liked it was history of a lot of things going on here in the United States around the history of alcohol and some of those things. I enjoyed it. Well, he just recently turned that into a to a daily post. So it's called shots of history, and he's writing a little bit of content every day and it lands in your inbox or you can go to his site and do it. So I thought it was interesting.

Jim Collison [01:18:12]:
He went from audio to written content every day, and that's what he has time for and can put together and make it work. And maybe someday the podcast will come back, but maybe a great way, based on what he has time availability for, great way to keep a podcast feed going because he could reach out, you know, to those individuals and say, hey. I'm doing this now as a as a site as opposed to a podcast. So I found that kind of interesting, a way to make it work for him, you know, if he didn't have time to sit down and do audio.

Dave Jackson [01:18:43]:
Yeah. That's still kind of a head scratcher because the the time consuming part of that is coming up with the content.

Jim Collison [01:18:52]:
His poster short. There are 2 3 there are 3 paragraphs, and it's historical stuff that, you know, you can grab some stuff. And he maybe he's a really good writer. And and that stuff comes rather quick to him as opposed to sitting down. Listen, his his podcasts were really, really involved. At one point, he was he kinda did a chronology of of the entire time of prohibition. And you're like, that's a lot of work, right, from a podcast perspective. You know? Because I think people expect podcasts to be, you know, half an hour, 15, 20 minutes, half an hour for that kind of stuff.

Jim Collison [01:19:28]:
His written content is now literally 5 minutes of reading. You know?

Dave Jackson [01:19:33]:
I guess. Because to me, I'm like, again, you could do it super lo fi and just go, welcome to A Shot of History. Today's topic is this. Read your blog post, hit stop, upload it. You know?

Jim Collison [01:19:45]:
You could. Yeah. He's he's he's gone the written format. That's what he's that's and maybe he's got some help, you know, something along those lines. But I just kind of thought it was interesting that he'd for now and he was really transparent with the community. I just don't have time to podcast. I'm gonna be pushing these out to my side on a on a daily basis. We'll see how daily goes on writing.

Jim Collison [01:20:07]:
You know? Yeah. That's a lot of work too. It's a lot of work too.

Dave Jackson [01:20:10]:
It one daily anything is always, you know, a treat. And Rich had a great question. I don't know if it's a great question, but it's a good it's a question. And I can't find it. He asked, do I have a because I'm always like ask the podcast And I do if you go to school of links because I've had people like Rich. Like, hey, Do you have a page with all your affiliate stuff? And I do. It's just it's at the school of podcasting, and I'm over there right now as we speak, except I just typed in school of podcast.

Dave Jackson [01:20:50]:
Most of it's at support this show. What I need to do is support this I need to have it if it's 4 0 Ford, go to this page with all the affiliate links because it explains there that, you know, these are typically either tools I've used or I know somebody else who has used them. And I just add and then I always this is another mistake I see a lot of people do. I have all these links on here and all in in theory, most of these links should open to a new window. Because if I have them open up in the same window, then people lose my website. They go like, oh, cool mouse flow. Look.

Dave Jackson [01:21:30]:
I'm gonna click on this. And then if they go, that's not for me, then they gotta go back to School of Podcasting, go to the about page, click on affiliate links. So and that was from Mark from, a member of the School of Podcasts. Like, why don't you have a page with just everything? He goes, because he's always emailing me going, hey. I'm gonna use, you know, ConvertKit or whoever from my email list. You have a link to you. He just he's launching a course on prepping and is wrong. He says my mouse flow link is wrong.

Dave Jackson [01:22:03]:
That's not good. I did ask them because they're I kinda get bummed when different affiliate programs send you right to a sign up page. Because unless I've done a good job of explaining to you what the tool is, you might need a little convincing to, you know, buy something. And when an affiliate link is right to the buy button, I'm like, And then Libsyn partnered with some tool called Bunny something, and you can get 20% off. I need to, to look at that. And they gave me an affiliate link because usually your affiliate link is something like, you know, whatever question mark equals blah blah blah. And that blah blah blah is your affiliate kind of identification. And mine was, you know, question mark equals, like, nothing.

Dave Jackson [01:22:58]:
And I'm like, how do you guys know this is coming from me? And what was interesting is the person I was talking to, I I don't think I don't know. English may not have been his his first language or some, but we definitely had kind of a, a problem communicating. And are you as sick as double authentication is I am?

Jim Collison [01:23:19]:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave Jackson [01:23:20]:
It's always like, wait. I I have I have 3 seconds to get the link before it goes through. It's I'm trying to get the link to here we go. Partner resources. So I I love when people use where is my link to affiliate logo? Here, just so you guys could see what I'm doing. This is the back end of their affiliate program. Yes. Here's my how to use the link.

Dave Jackson [01:23:43]:
Where is my link, though? You know, I'll it'll be in the show notes.

Jim Collison [01:23:47]:
Did you do did you do it? Do you do, like, us it was is it support my show dot com

Dave Jackson [01:23:52]:
that you have and then Yeah. Support this show dot com is

Jim Collison [01:23:57]:
or is this But then you do some slash

Dave Jackson [01:24:00]:
And it's always slash whatever. Yeah. And I cannot it's weird. I'm in their links, and I'm like, yeah. But where is my you know, you think I

Jim Collison [01:24:09]:
While you're while you're finding that, one of the things that I did at Home Gadget Geeks is I created an affiliate page that just has all of the I do it, you know, I do a post in there, but it has all my affiliate stuff in it. Yeah. So I noticed support this just directs over to your buy me a coffee. Right? If you just do that one, you could have that direct to an affiliate page on school podcasting, and then you could list all your affiliates there too.

Dave Jackson [01:24:40]:
Yeah. Well, Rich has saved me. It's it's not the link. It's and I know this is shocking. I typed it wrong.

Jim Collison [01:24:47]:
It's hard to do. It's hard to do all this stuff live and get it right. And Yeah. I mean, sometimes it's hard to spell out the average guy. Tv. You never know when that's gonna go terribly wrong, you know? So as as we as we saw last week trying to get this, neither one of us knew it was wrong, But

Dave Jackson [01:25:05]:
Oh, till the very end. And and Mark watched it later from podcast He goes, you need to fix Jim's name. And I was like, it like, go to, like, 5 minutes till the end. I finally figured it out.

Jim Collison [01:25:15]:
But Obviously, I didn't even notice.

Dave Jackson [01:25:17]:

Jim Collison [01:25:17]:
So it's not that that big of a deal.

Dave Jackson [01:25:19]:
Yeah. So, oh, this will be fun. I've never done this. For the record today, all the the noises and stuff that you hear instead of coming from the RODECaster, I have them in ECAM. So what's fun is they're under so now I will have a separate track because I'm gonna try to use the ECAM recording instead of the Rodecaster recording. And so I always, like, right now you ready? This is this is behind the scenes. When I click on the button, you don't hear the sound effects because they're not going. And then I go, Jim, what's coming up on, you know, Home Gadget Geeks over at the average guy dot tv? And Jim says, as he's answering, I slowly start to fade the music up, which usually is squished by YouTube algorithms by their compression anyway.

Dave Jackson [01:26:03]:
But at least this way, I'll have a track with this music that I can, you know, put in later. But so what's going on?

Jim Collison [01:26:09]:
A lot better. The music does sound a lot better. It's Easter week. It's spring break time. I decided to take a couple weeks off, so I'm off for the next 2 weeks. I think I'm gonna plan to do my taxes during this time off.

Dave Jackson [01:26:21]:
So Not a bad idea.

Jim Collison [01:26:22]:
In the US with tax times. So don't forget, April 15th is right around the corner. Get out there. Get your taxes.

Dave Jackson [01:26:30]:
There you go. On The School of Podcasting, I was all set to provide the interview with the godfather of content marketing, Joe Pulizzi, who I finally got to come on my show. I've been chasing Joe for 3 years. And how do you get somebody to come on your show? Wait till they have something to promote. So I'm gonna be at Content Entrepreneur Expo in Cleveland, May 5th through 7th. And, Joe, I was like, hey. Like and I also helped him. I'm like, Joe, do you know you have a buzz in your podcast? And I think because I helped him, he maybe it was the whole law of reciprocity, but he finally came on my show.

Dave Jackson [01:27:07]:
And I can't wait to play you that except it's the last question of the month. It's the last episode. So I asked the question, what do you think of when you hear phrase podcasting 2.0? And, boy, it's it's it's not the people at podcasting 2.0, they got some some work to do there in the marketing department. So that's what's gonna come up, and I'm gonna explain kind of what is it. Maybe you should try it even if you don't know what it is. And what's the difference between getting an ad that pays you 0.004¢ and how many downloads would it take to do that? Now the fun thing is I can't see how long this is, but I think we're towards the end of this. So like, subscribe, and ring the bell. No show next week.

Dave Jackson [01:27:46]:
Honest. No show next week. We will see you then. See you in 2 weeks. Take care.