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Archiving My Old Episodes into Clumps of 300

The Apple "Store" view of the Apple iTunes (or search view in the Apple Podcasts App) is always 24 hours behind and only shows the last 300 episodes.
Some people make archives every 300 episodes. This means:
1. Your subscribers are scattered across multiple archives
2. Your audience has to go to multiple locations to get the episodes

Instead, you can have all of your episodes in ONE feed-in ONE place, and have your audience see the reward of subscribing by seeing all of your episodes in one place.

The only (small) downside is the titles of the episodes that are not shown in Apple (the episodes NOT in the last 300) are not used in search results. Let's face it, Apple search results are not always great, and they are trying to make it better. For me, I like everything in one place.